It’s Deja Vu All Over Again
December 11, 2014No Crony Capitalism Blog If Yogi Berra were in politics, he’d be going nuts right now, and not for the equivalent of back-to-back home runs by Maris and Mantle. Congressional leaders are faced with another government shutdown. If they do...
November 26, 2014No Crony Capitalism BlogMarket Freedom Alliance The federal and state election season is now fully in the rear view mirror and the holiday season is just about to kick-off with a bang. With the holiday season comes a time of reflection, and...
Our Candidate Recommendations
October 8, 2014 Free market author and scholar, Thomas Sowell said, “The first lesson of economics is scarcity: there is never enough of anything to fully satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics.”...
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Minimum Wage Hike Hurts
August 14, 2014The Arizona RepublicJoe Galli Driving up minimum wage hurts the people it's supposed to helpJoe Galli 8:45 p.m. MST August 13, 2014 Every time I turn around there's a new study out about the impacts of minimum wage on an economy. Two months ago,...
CBO Says Minimum Wage Hikes Cost Jobs
July 31, 2014USNewsBy Sita Slavov and Aspen GorryMay 1, 2014 | 10:01 a.m. EDT In February, the Congressional Budget Office reported its estimates of the effects of raising the federal minimum wage. According to the CBO, raising the minimum wage to...
What Would Happen if We Got Rid of the Minimum Wage?
May 14, 2014Slate.comJordan Weissmann Most voters love the idea of raising the minimum wage. But Republican politicians, with a handful of notable exceptions, do not, because they’re convinced that even a small boost will kill jobs. And as my colleague...
Should we abolish the minimum wage?
April 4, 2014Cafe HayekRuss Roberts Last night, as part of the Intelligence Squared series Jim Dorn and I debated Jared Bernstein and Karen Kornbluh on whether we should abolish the minimum wage. When the audio is available, I’ll link to it. In the...
Why the Minimum Wage Should be Abolished A Higher Minimum Wage will Lead to Poverty
February 19, 2014Wealth DailyGeoffrey Pike There is debate stirring about a possible minimum wage increase. Obama and the Democrats in DC are advocating a proposal to raise the minimum wage from $7.25 per hour to $10.10 per hour. This would actually be an increase in...
To Protect The Defenseless, We Must Abolish The Minimum Wage
March 27, 2013ForbesDon Watkins A few years ago, I was in need of some extra cash so I decided to sell my laptop on eBay. A few days later, I got an offer. It wasn’t great, but then neither was my laptop. But before the payment went through, I got a call from the...
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